Grant Projects
TOP > FY 2022 (33rd) Activity Grant Presentation Ceremony
FY 2022 (33rd) Activity Grant Presentation Ceremony
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FY 2022, The Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation provided a grant of 42.4 million yen.

There are many types of bird protection efforts, such as improving the environment, protecting injured birds, and preserving breeding grounds. All of them have in common that it takes time to produce results and that many people need to cooperate. Planning, executing, and reporting the results of activities—continuing this process is of paramount importance in bird conservation, and today, various groups face birds day and night. This year is the 33rd year of The Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation, and from this year onward, we will subsidize bird conservation activities conducted by overseas activity groups on the condition that applications are made through activity groups in Japan in order to further expand the circle of support. It has started. We will continue to support the wild bird conservation and research activities of various organizations.

FY 2022 Activity Grant Presentation Ceremony was held online on April 11 to avoid countermeasures for COVID-19 infection.

After the introduction of the Steering Committee, the activity presentation ceremony was held by Makiko Ono, Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of Sustainability Management Promotion Division, Suntory Holdings Limited, Masashi Norihisa, General Manager of Wildlife Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, and Zuiten Tsukamoto, Chairman of the Steering Committee.


Makiko Ono
Makiko Ono

Thank you for joining us today at the FY 2022 The Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation activity presentation ceremony. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the organizations receiving this year's grants. Continuing from last year, the activity presentation ceremony was held online as a countermeasure against infectious diseases, but with the participation of the three organizations in the Philippines and the Kingdom of Bhutan, whose subsidies were decided by the "Global Application Scheme" that started this year. I am very happy to be there. It is encouraging for us that our bird activities will spread both domestically and internationally and our friends will increase. As a consignor, I am grateful to be able to help protect and nurture a healthier nature through this Bird Fund.


Masashi Norihisa
Masashi Norihisa

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to The Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation and the organizations that receive the activity subsidy for their great efforts in promoting the administration of the natural environment. Wild birds play an important role in promoting the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Japan. One of the themes in the process of formulating a new national biodiversity strategy is the mainstreaming of biodiversity. In order to spread it widely into people's lives and socio-economic activities and make it mainstream, it is important to get close to it, and I think that wild birds will be one of the entrances. We hope that the activities of each organization will lead to the mainstreaming of biodiversity in Japan and overseas. We would like to express our deepest respect for the efforts of Suntory Holdings Limited, which has supported bird activities for over 30 years.


Zuiten Tsukamoto
Zuiten Tsukamoto

We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all those who were eligible for the 2022 grant. From this year, as a new attempt, we have introduced a "Global Application Scheme" to further expand the circle of support for bird conservation activities conducted by overseas activity groups. After enthusiastic discussions at the Steering Committee, we decided to provide a total of 21 projects of 42.4 million yen this year. We hope that our support will be of some help. The Suntory Fund for Bird Conservation will continue to cooperate with you through support for bird conservation activities to protect the natural environment of Japan and the world. Thank you for your continued support.


Grants for Bird Conservation Groups (13 projects)

FY 2022 Grant Projects Click here

Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds (JSPB):Research and conservation activities of endangered birds in Amami Oshima(Amami woodpecker,Amami woodcock Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture and the Main Island of Okinawa Prefecture)
Royal Society for Protection of Nature: Establishment of ex situ conservation measures for the endangered white‐bellied heron(White-bellied heron Changshe, Kingdom of Bhutan)
Islands care:Conservation project to prevent the extinction of Ogasawara greenfinch(Ogasawara greenfinch Hahajima Islands, Ogasawara)
Inter‐institutional Panel on Population Management of the Oriental White Stork (IPPM‐OWS):A project to form an Oriental White Stork conservation network in East Asia(Oriental white stork Across Japan)
NPO Miura Peninsula Biodiversity Conservation Network:Let’s welcome back the Grey‐faced Buzzard to fallow rice paddies! Yatoda regeneration activity to resume the breeding (also known as the Grey‐faced Buzzard Project)(Grey‐faced buzzard Kanagawa Prefecture)
Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection:Lesser Snow Geese Restoration Project in East Asia and Raising its Awareness(Lesser snow goose Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Northeastern Russia)
(Public Corporation) Toyama City Family Park Zoo:Establishment of breeding technologies with a view to returning gray parrots to the wild(Grey parrot Toyama Prefecture)
Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums:Development of technology for the creation of Japanese Rock Ptarmigan that can be released into the wild(Japanese rock ptarmigan Kanto and Chubu regions)
Isla Biodiversity Conservation, Inc.:Citizen science and education for the protection of the Calayan rail(Calayan rail Calayan Island, Philippines)
Philippine Eagle Foundation:Measures to prevent electrocution of Philippine eagles on Mindanao Island and the conservation and regeneration of biodiversity‐rich primeval forests(Philippine eagle Mindanao Island (southern part of the Philippines))
Yamashina Institute for Ornithology:Genetic analysis for conservation in endangered small birds(endangered small birds Hokkaido, Tokyo, Okinawa Island, etc.)
Water Birds Study Group Japan:Fact‐finding survey on little tern foraging and resting places(Little tern Tokyo, Chiba, Ibaraki, and Okinawa)
Certified NPO
Nishichugoku Sanchi Natural History Society:Research and conservation of migratory birds in the Yawatakogen Highlands and educational activities(Oriental dollarbird,Ruddy kingfisher Yawatakogen Highlands, Hiroshima Prefecture)

Japanese Society for Preservation of Birds (JSPB)【Amami woodpecker,Amami woodcock/Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture and the Main Island of Okinawa Prefecture】
Speaker:Yoshihiro Natori
Research and conservation activities of endangered birds in Amami Oshima
Click here for details

Royal Society for Protection of Nature【White-bellied heron/Changshe, Kingdom of Bhutan】
Speaker:Indra Acharja
Establishment of ex situ conservation measures for the endangered white‐bellied heron
Click here for details

Islands care【Ogasawara greenfinch/Hahajima Islands, Ogasawara】
Speaker:Dairo Kawaguchi
Conservation project to prevent the extinction of Ogasawara greenfinch
Click here for details

Inter‐institutional Panel on Population Management of the Oriental White Stork (IPPM‐OWS)【Oriental white stork/Across Japan】
Speaker:Kazutoshi Takami
A project to form an Oriental White Stork conservation network in East Asia
Click here for details

NPO Miura Peninsula Biodiversity Conservation Network【Grey‐faced buzzard/Kanagawa Prefecture】
Speaker:Makio Tenpaku
Let’s welcome back the Grey‐faced Buzzard to fallow rice paddies! Yatoda regeneration activity to resume the breeding (also known as the Grey‐faced Buzzard Project)
Click here for details

Japanese Association for Wild Geese Protection【Lesser snow goose/Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Northeastern Russia】
Speaker:Masayuki Kurechi
Lesser Snow Geese Restoration Project in East Asia and Raising its Awareness
Click here for details

(Public Corporation) Toyama City Family Park Zoo【Grey parrot/Toyama Prefecture】
Speaker:Hitoshi Murai
Establishment of breeding technologies with a view to returning gray parrots to the wild
Click here for details

Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums【Japanese rock ptarmigan/Kanto and Chubu regions】
Speaker:Yuki Akiba
Development of technology for the creation of Japanese Rock Ptarmigan that can be released into the wild
Click here for details

Isla Biodiversity Conservation, Inc.【Calayan rail/Calayan Island, Philippines】
Speaker:Cynthia Adeline A.Layusa
Citizen science and education for the protection of the Calayan rail
Click here for details

Philippine Eagle Foundation【Philippine eagle/Mindanao Island (southern part of the Philippines)】
Speaker:Jayson Ibanez
Measures to prevent electrocution of Philippine eagles on Mindanao Island and the conservation and regeneration of biodiversity‐rich primeval forests
Click here for details

Yamashina Institute for Ornithology【endangered small birds/Hokkaido, Tokyo, Okinawa Island, etc.】
Speaker:Takema Saitoh
Genetic analysis for conservation in endangered small birds
Click here for details

Water Birds Study Group Japan【Little tern/Tokyo, Chiba, Ibaraki, and Okinawa】
Speaker:Masaharu Hayakawa
Fact‐finding survey on little tern foraging and resting places
Click here for details

Certified NPO
Nishichugoku Sanchi Natural History Society【Oriental dollarbirdRuddy kingfisher/Yawatakogen Highlands, Hiroshima Prefecture】
Speaker:Yoshio Ueno
Research and conservation of migratory birds in the Yawatakogen Highlands and educational activities
Click here for details

Waterfront Large Bird Conservation Category (2 projects)

FY 2022 Grant Projects Click here

Toki no Mizube‐Zukuri Kyogikai (Crested ibis waterside creation council)【Crested ibis/Sado City, Niigata Prefecture】
Speaker:Toru Itagaki
Creation of a waterfront for the coexistence of crested ibis and people ‐ Efforts to restore nature around the Tenno River basin ‐

(Foundation) Ecosystem Conservation Society‐Japan【Stork/Kanto 3 region, Naruto City, Hii River Watershed】
Speaker:Takeshi Seki

Stork settlement and wide‐area network promotion project

In addition to the above, as usual, 6 projects were made to the Regional Bird‐watching Activities Grant Category.

・ (NPO) Yasei Dobutsu Kyugo no Kai (Wild animal rescue club)/Publish and distribute picture books as a public awareness activity to reduce the number of wild birds hurt by cats(wild bird  Kanagawa Prefecture)
・ Bupposo no Sato no Kai (Oriental dollarbird club)/Conservation activities and environmental education for the Oriental dollarbird, which is designated as a natural treasure in Nagano Prefecture(Oriental dollarbird Nagano Prefecture)
・ (NPO) Nipponia Nippon Protection Association/Public awareness activities for returning the crested ibis to the wilds of the Noto Peninsula(Crested ibis Ishikawa Prefecture)
・ Kagoshima Prefecture, Izumi City Kakusho Gakuen Crane Club/Survey by school students on the number of cranes and their family structure and distribution(Crane Kagoshima prefecture)
・ Kagoshima Prefecture, Izumi City Takaono Junior High School Crane Club/Survey of the number of cranes coming to Izumi City(Crane Kagoshima Prefecture Izumi City East reclamation Area)
・ Izumi City Warabishima Elementary School Eco Club/Crane/bird watching and ecological surveys in and around wetlands(Crane Kagoshima prefecture)